Just a few random thoughts today.
~ I didn't thought my memory was this short, but apparently I wrote about the red graters in two posts, granted in the first one I hadn't used them yet, but still, silly silliness. That's one reason why one should always add the blogpost-link to the Flickr-photo's description I guess... It's not as if I have only very few photos to chose from, or few things to write about. I don't *have to* kind of write a post twice.
~ I will do my very best to get out of bed early tomorrow morning and go have a walk-and-talk. Promise. I have already visualised my presence there. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Or well, at least there and reasonably talkative. The weather is suppose to be great, sunshine and around +10C, wow! It's just that it is really nice and creatively great to stay up late, to get out of bed early is on the other hand very, very creatively and bodily challenging.
~ Finding lots of nuisance and mis-information in the tax- and accountancy-related part of having-your-own-business - this is so not something I will be doing myself next year, but only a way to learn and know how it basically works initially - it is laughable to think that tax law and business administration was actually one of my fortes once upon a law-student-time. Now I just find it basically annoying and time-consuming.
~ And while we're on the subject of timeconsuming nuisance, if there's anyone who happens to be reading this and is a pedagogical wizard on WordPress, please oh please raise your helping hand. I'm struggling with a Premium theme that simply refuses to upload properly as a plug-in should. I've googled, I've searched for answers with solutions that actually works for real and not just in theory, so far all in vain. So if you happen to be interested in helping, I would be very very happy and grateful. And if you so wish, will offer payment in chocolate.
~ The fabulous blue boots might be the one single reason for me not wanting the spring/summer-shoe season to arrive. Because if there was such a thing as being in love with a colour, that blue hue is very high on my love-list. But of course, even blue shoes need a good rest and hibernation. And there are quite a few warm-season-shoes that I very much look forward to wearing again. Still, the blue boots rock...
~ It's been an unjustifiable long time since the two tiny - though not so tiny anymore - Z:s got a post of their own. That will be adjusted next week. There are loads of photos that needs tweaking and now when the weather is so much better they can go and have a sniff and explore in the garden (where the photo light is endlessly much better). But I can say as much for now, that they are a true delight and just fantastically fun to watch with all their individual quirks and traits (many of them so obviously inherited from either mum or dad). And sweet, oh so sweet - I love how I've been so blessed with being able to spend so much time with them right from the start, every day. I'm not sure they're equally impressed with all the carrying around, the cuddling and the kisses they've been *forced* to endure since basically day one - but who cares. Cuddles and kisses galore it is, that's what makes a most purring world go round.
~ I'm so looking forward to a little trip late April. For my mum's birthday we're heading east, she and I, to Helsinki. We gave her a trip as a birthday gift five years ago, a promise, I'm ashamed to admit for different reasons, had not been honoured, until now. So this is that trip. She got to chose destination, but we've had talked about returning to Helsinki for many years now. It's such a lovely, beautiful city within such an easy reach - and the fact that it's an Swedish-speaking city too, well that doesn't hurt with a travel-companion that doesn't speak English - with loads of great cafés, design - also being the design capital of 2012 -, fabulous architecture and an appealing ambiance. And these days it can also boast of having an El Naturalista store - that is certainly something very few cities can say. Walking the streets, travel with the cute tram, having cakes at Fazer Café, oh it's going to be great fun I'm sure!
~The yellow Lovikka mittens are finished. It's just the embroidering left, I can't decide on exactly which colours I want. I'm, as usual, partial to the bright pink one, but it feels tad silly to have the same colour as with my pink pair - not that I'd wear them simultaneously. Will finish them this weekend and then they'll go spend summer hibernation with pink cowl and friends. I have to say I'm quite proud of the fact that the time frame of buying the yarn - finish the project has been this short. Rather unlike me. In a good way.
1 comment:
No worries about the double post....I thought I had seen those darling utensils before, but (knowing how you are) assumed it was *my* memory that was off and figured you had construed some addition to the original. :)
Cannot wait to see the Z-Babies post. !!
Your planned trip with your Mom sounds lovely...I hope the weather is nice and you both enjoy yourselves. :)
I wish I knew more about WordPress...I admit I would most definitely work for chocolate. Best of luck in working out the kinks.
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