Yesterday was a little glimpse of the two latest arrivals to the Scandinavian bobbaloo settlement, Nerdle and Ruby. If I didn't know better I would say I'm trying to make up for 2013 being a zero-new-settlers year, but of course I'm not. Things just happen. Or rather bobbaloos call my name. And there is the well-known gaggle effect of course.
I have a little "collection" of ideas and bobs I'd like to welcome, all of them bobs are of course special, but some stems from ideas of mine and Kit always interpret those ideas in her one and only fabulous way. So when I saw purple/yellow Nerdle who called my name rather loudly I thought it was time to tell Kit about my dream of a strawberry bob too. Since obviously a bob can't travel alone!
I think she did an amazing, darlin' job with Ruby, wouldn't you agree? It was indeed very exciting to welcome them both yesterday! Yes we all got so very excited about the arrival, some went tad overboard in the welcoming procedure. In fact we had sort of a rerun of the curious incident with the cat in the daytime - only a new cat playing the villain.

Oh noes, this does not bode well...
Why haven't we heard about very big and quite likely lethal cats living in the Scandinavian settlement?

If I stand really really still the cat's eye won't notice me...
I will do my best not to wet my dotty birthday suit.

Ooops, this was most certainly not what I signed up for coming to Sweden...

Not really the welcoming committee we expected.
Where can we complain?
NB, not to worry, no bobbaloos were harmed in the welcoming procedure. And their resiliance to trauma is well known, nothing a chocolate cake or pastry can't cure. I wish we all could be so lucky.
Welcome Ruby and Nerdle, may you live long, happy, cake-filled lifes in the Scandinavian bobbaloo settlement without any more close encounters of the big bad cat kind!
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