Searching for older blog posts about bread it seems I've written quite a few. I'm glad to report though that since the one I wrote in 2008 Sweden is swamped (at least in the big cities) with great (sourdough) bakeries. And I'm certainly not the only one who never buys bread at the supermarket anymore.

This dark rye bread with walnuts and sea salt I got the other day. I don't think I've bought anything from small bakery-chain / cafe Bröd & Salt (Bread & Salt) before but given the awesomeness of this loaf I will certainly return. Jam-packed with flavour and texture it tastes great with a dollop of butter and Jeezly vegan cheese for breakfast! Although, gently removing the sea salt before eating is essential, otherwise it's like eating a spoonful of salt straight up.

My CEO (ie me, myself and I) used to treat me to a soy latte/week or every second week. Since that's now a very rare thing the new treat is that I should have great bread for breakfast and most importantly; at least once a week I should have something really decent to look forward to when I take a fika break at home. Like a very nice bun or cake waiting for me in the freezer.
These two hit the spot on two different occasions this past intense work week, from one of my favourite bakeries Petrus, a sugar bun and a mumma (puff paste bun rolled in cardamom). It's important to have a bit of the health for the soul too.
What I don't use much these days is the ever popular breadbaskets. Looking at the old pictures of their immense feline popularity I might have to put them out for cats instead of bread again.
What's your favourite bakery/bread?
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