Only a little glimpse of the batch, wouldn't want to spoil the card surprise too much...
Just like last year this year's batch of fresh from the printer Prosit Ord & Bild AB's Christmas cards and such to be arrived on the 20ish of November.
And just like last year (like every year I enjoy them very much. Hopefully the receivers to be will too.
And on the receiving end can be you too! Just like last year (three's a magic number) I'd be happy to send you one fabulous Christmas card should you so wish, give me a holler in the comment or send me an email.
As I'm very fond of great, personal Christmas cards - and have very strong opinions on them - I would of course love it even more if you'd like to swap cards with me. That would be such fun I'm sure!
I will start sending them in mid December, depending on where in the world they'll head, so there's still plenty on time to let me know.
PS I've ordered my Christmas cards from MOO since 2008, it might have been quite a debacle back then, but I'm very grateful that got sorted and I haven't *touch wood* experienced any such issues when ordering since. DS
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