It's been a week when I haven't been able to stop thinking about a certain gorgeous yarn. It begged to be ticked of that wish-list. Resistance was futile.
My mind's eye is seeing a knitted sweet sweater, very simple in tunic-style where the colours (beige, blue, orange and green) of the yarn is in focus not an intricate pattern. The hand-dyed wool yarn from Swedish Limmo Design is really thin so I'm thinking it'll take a while to complete. But I hope to knit a reasonable amount every eveving in front of the TV. And I'm adamant it'll be a plesing end result I'll want to wear - not like the bulky one from last season that only looks good with the perfect accessory - so I'll knit as fast as i can!

PS A) Of course there's always a bobbaloo in the Scandinavian settlement that matches any colour of yarn. B) Of course the yarn gets the paw approval it deserves. Or possible the inspector thinks there's no need for more yarn when there are very impawtant felines to take care of. DS
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