I don't each much pasta but recently I've become very fond of this easy, creamy way of doing pasta sauce and just put whatever veggies and vegan proteing you have at home in it. It's delicious whatever you chose to add to the sauce. Today I went with vegan ham from Astrid och aporna (Astrid and the monkeys, same brand that makes my new vegan cheese favourite Jeezly) - not that I usually enjoy meat substitutes that imitates animal flesh in texture and flavour, but this is a rather nice product to vary the usual soy and tofu products with - and green asparagus. It was such a great flavour and texture combination and I really need to eat more asparagus on a regular basis!
The sauce is made with Oatly oats milk - like in the green pea soup - a bit of flour for thickening, salt, pepper and whatever spices you might enjoy, left over Jeezly, let it simmer until thickened, add the vegan ham and asparagus (or whatever vegan proteinn and veggies you enjoy) and let it boil for a few minutes. Serve with pasta of choice.
Not much of a recipe I know. And I really don't work with any specific amounts of the ingredients when I do this sauce, but you get the idea and hopefully it'll inspire you to an easy peasy awesome animal friendly pasta sauce.

Also happy that Swedish vegan food products now is fairly easy to find in food stores all over Sweden - this is Astrid and apornas soy steaks, Jeezly and top right the vegan ham I used called "strimlad sk*nka" (shredded h*m) - congrats to the consumers, the animals, the health and the environment!
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