Wednesday, April 03, 2013

details of the day


Three details of today.
One bad, one sweet but with a sorrowful aftertaste and one lovely (but with a bit of shamefulness involved).

broken ring

This is the second one of my favourite rings I've broke during this last month. My beautiful sunny, amber ring from Gdansk (2009). Answering a friend's question I managed (the silly things one does) to gesture and hit the ring against a hard surface on the train hence silver base and amber no more as one. I do hope it's reasonably affordable and easy to fix at a silversmith. Darn it!

violet wristwarmers

When I came home this pretty pair of wristwarmers were waiting in my mailbox, with a little thank you note from a neighbourhood dog owner who got some food and treats left after Malte. Which of course just opened the floodgate of tears. Still, it was such a kind gesture and the violet pair is very nice indeed. Very me.

I've quite been enjoying the Timehop app, but today the update was this one blogpost from last year, the most pitiful little loaf in the world... Who would think that less than a year later there would be no little loaf at all. Life.

Since I'm notoriously lacking green fingers I've managed to destroy one of the ranunculas - granted it just might have been lacking in quality from the start, but I probably drowned it. Which in itself is quite bizarre since I most always kill flowers by NOT watering them enough - so I got a new one today. A pretty white one to replace the no-longer-yellow-one. I've also put all three of them in small bowls instead of pots so they can easily be watered from under, which should keep the drowning episodes down. Orange, pink and white, may you live flowery, long lives on the pink office window sill!

Nailpolish is Chanel Coco Blue, from last year, quite an uplifting blue hue me thinks.

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