For as long as I can remember my mother has sworn by these brewer's yeast pills as a food supplement. Myself I've basically felt they're treats for cats (because many cats love them, if you haven't tried them on yours you really should!) and not for a pleasant human consumption. They taste foul if you happen to chew on them.
Now I've tried them for about a month anyway - alongside my fabulous friends the linseed capsules (vegan Omega3, which you really really should try, you don't have to be vegan to see they're better than fishy Omega3) and the B12 vitamins - and admittedly the have worked wonders for my nails and hair. So I guess they'll now be a regular supplement for me and the happily chewing cats.
And with sun and light sadly being scarce this time of the year it's time to give that vitamin D2 another shot. It doesn't matter how varied and good your diet is, how many raw juices with ginger you gulp down, sometimes you do need that extra to boost the immune system. Especially this time of the year.
Do you take food supplements?
Does it do wonders for your general well-being?
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