A year ago today my iPhone was stolen. It was a luxuary-problem-traumatic experience that made me think about the way we're pretty lost without our smartphones. They've become a fifth limb we rely on. Especially for us who use it as a working tool.
I also realised that we use it far more than is necessary and during the week I was without one I managed to do a lot of stuff that brought me joy. Stuff I'd probably opted out of in favour of mindless fiddling with the iPhone.
One of the things that brought me joy - well at least before I finished it... - was the knitting of a sweater. So today, a year later, I brought forth a yarn I bought on one of the past summer's hottest day in July, when woolly knitting seemed awfully far away still. But the applegreen colour called my name even then. And it'll be made into a simple beanie. Or possibly not so simple, I haven't decided yet. And there's always a small sized woolly to help with inspiration. When there's not a helping paw.
And on this first day of October 2014 I'm also most grateful for my iPhone being safe and just where it should be, with me.

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