I have now had the uttermost pleasure of using all three of the winter scented body creams from Bath & Body Works I got last month. They are all very nice indeed. But my favourite is still Twisted Peppermint, it's simply brilliant, fresh and sweet at the same time. Just like our Swedish polkagris candy. I wish I had the fragrance mist too, so I could touch up on the awesome scent during the day. But I treasure every creamy dreamy moment spent with that Peppermint tube. Which isn't as Twisted as it may sound. Really.

The purple Sugar Plum Dream is a very much Pia-scent. A lovely creamy, warm, flowery, vanilla-ish scent. It's adorable and if I hadn't met Twisted Peppermint I would adore it even more. Now it comes a close second.

The Winter Candy Apple is a nice one, but the scent is very faint and fleeting. So it's not a memorable one. The name is so promising, so it's rather disappointing that they didn't make more of it.
Do you have a favourite winter scent in body lotion or perfume?
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