To be honest, this picture doesn't need any explaining apart from the blogpost title. The title is held with pride and without compromise. The feline ruling includes any visitor. Obviously.
It would be lovely to be that uncompromising in all matters that matters. For me it's a work in progress. I'm not as undisposed to shy away from "creating a bad atmosphere" and being an inconvenient person as I perhaps once was. Or maybe I just thought I was. Perhaps I wouldn't be where I am in life if I was as undisposed as I thought I was?
Remember I was seeing a coach a few months back? Where I was trying to figure out who I really want to work with, who is my dream client, dream assignment, dream project with a budget. It was good to talk those things through, setting plans and goals. But being swamped with work since I haven't had time to really do anything major about that. Yet.
Last Friday though, I got some surprising news from my main client (whom I worked with for 1,5 years), about structural changes in the organisation. Which basically means I can no longer expect as much job from them as I have been.
For most people this would probably be bad news. For me it's not. Because this is actually something I addressed with the coach. However nice it is to send a decent invoice for a job well done, to be really fulfilling the job itself needs to be inspiring, partly well-known and comfortable partly challenging and developing.
By the end of last year I felt I had reached a point where it wasn't, I knew the job, I did it well and it was like working in an office only I did it from home and I could set my own hours and only meet the deadlines. Which granted are two factors I REALLY do love. But still, the excitement, the inspiration, the challenge, the making-the-world-a-better-place feeling, that I missed. A lot.
And however fun it is to write as a living (lucky, lucky me!) I also feel I need to do more than *mere* SEO copywriting, which is what I've been focusing on lately. There's a whole wide world out there that needs improving for a lot of earthlings! And I want to be a part of that, working with likeminded people with shared values. And make money while doing it. Yes, we all have to pay bills and eat.
So even if I will still be working with my main client it will not be as "main" as before. And that knowledge has been like a destiny's kick in the heinie to actually set up a proper plan to find that organisation, group, people, start-up with a budget with those likeminded, inspiring people within which I would be a part of the world-improving movement.
You know the saying, when one door closes another one opens up. This is exactly how I feel right now. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity and for all the copywriting with short deadlines, I've learnt so so much about different industries as well as working and job-communicating solely online. I would be an ungrateful and lying sort if I didn't admit it has actually been great fun and an awesome learning experience too. Plus I've gotten to know good people. But now I know this well, I need to get out of my comfort zone. And these news have freed up time for me to dare go where I have never ventured before.
Or at least given me time to find my true work-related happy place. I know, sending those decent invoices needs to be done, rather sooner than later. But why not do it working for good causes, having fun and making the world a better place in one creative, freelance way or another?
Yes I am still not interested in being an 9-5 employee, been there, done that, wasn't happy at all, wasn't me. But that doesn't mean I'm not interested in working with likeminded creatives on long (or short) term projects, on- or offline.
As opposed to the above feline miss I don't look to be the queen of f***ing everything, but I would be your awesome freelance social media manager, creative copywriter or communicator with a high dose of common sense. Or why not your Chief Happiness Officer - I promise to make you laugh.
So what do you say, clearly you need me for your project, why not get in touch asap!
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