Finally. Finally I did it. Invested in these wonderful, colourful LED lights for the Prosit pink office. I've been meaning to do so for years but haven't really prioritized it. But with the removing of the sweet Lucia parade Advent candlestick from the windowsill the office space was suddenly so dark. It needed something bright and happy to light things up which would also spread the cheer of colours.
Said and done, after a very inspiring morning meeting of the minds I went to the only shop in Stockholm that sells these Iris lights balls where you can chose your own colours and not having to settle with some ready packaged thingie. Free colour will and taste for the win!

My intention was to not show and tell about these lights until I had installed them properly in the office but the whole thing, the shop, the chosing, the fantastic weather, the sun and the fact that I had not only one but two large soy lattes made me all giddy and excited. This I just have to show an initial glimpse.
I had decided beforehand that I would not chose bright colours like I usually do, but since the office is so colourful in itself go for pale pastels instead. It might be that I didn't manage to fulfill that intention completely. There were after alla about 50 colours to chose from... But for being me, myself and I I did alright. The basket above show my initial 12 colours. I then removed some and added others. Ended up with six regular pastels and two brighter colours for some Easter feeling.

The me myself and I boss was so pleased with the lighting investment initiative of her me myself and I employee so she treated her to a second soy latte. I have a truly great boss! Although it might be a very sneaky way of getting the employee to work night. In the light of happy lights.
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