Inauguration of last year's prize today. I know, I know, it should have been two candles burning today, promise to have that done by next Sunday...
I got pretty much everything ticked off last week's list - minus the finishing of Lovikka mittens, but really, that was not on top of the list, far from - for next week I don't have much planned. A few nice things I had looked forward to got cancelled, but even if I'm disappointed about that it does leave room for preparing, working, writing, thinking, so it's kind of alright by me.
There'll possibly be a twitterjunta session on Tuesday.
But mostly the week will be spent with the above fabulous foursome. And a bit of knitting thrown in. And what about the painting of walls in the office space? (I had planned to begin with that this weekend, but things got in the way.) And blogging - I still haven't written about the birthday getaway...nor those shoes... shame on me.
It's nice to be able to look forward to a week with no major plans, no long to-do-list, but still have good things to occupy you.
Do you have any nice plans for the December week to come?
Two birthdays in one week!
I have many plans for December :). So many things was not finished all year, and that will be 3 busy weeks, before holidays. Also planning to make cards, but not have inspiring photos :(, and inspiration to make photos.
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