It was a very cold and snowy month. With a lot of knitting, a couple of new shoes, the eating of soups and smoothies to chase the winter blues away. A new shower curtain (which has yet to be inaugurated actually, I will do it January 1st 2014). Floating sessions, photo exhibits, pedicure.
We had a real scare with little loaf having a tumour in his mouth that needed immediate surgery. He was a tough wee loaf as usual and recovered splendidly and thank goodness the tumour turned out to be benign. (Little did we know...)
Myself I went for a few more tests to figure out the answer to my health conundrum of 2012. They were rather uncomfortable but fortunately showed no signs of abnormalities. Since doctors and their science couldn't seem to offer anything else than pills without answers I began reading about deficiancies and supplements to see what I could possibly do to change my status. Slowly I was beginning to feel better, not so tired to the bone anymore. Despite hating the texture of bananas I began eating a lot of them, they're a good source for potassium (one of my then deficiencies).
And then I became the Queen of Stockholm. (And yes, I actually still hold the title, almost a year later.)
The arrival of awesome earrings and wonderful granny square boots were of course completely overshadowed by the unexpected, sudden and heartbreaking fact that there was no longer a little loaf in this house. Amidst all those tears and pain I could see some sense of the madness.
I began eating linseed oil capsules. I discovered tiger pattern yarn. And the tangible beginning of a beautiful friendship and collaboration took form. And what I hadn't been able to perform in regards to Prosit during such a large part of 2012 suddenly seemed doable again, even if it was pretty much like starting with the business all over again. There was no escaping, it had to be done.
As I recall it wasn't a very eventful month. I got a cold, but it was very different from the ones I'd had these last years, it actually only lasted a week (which used to be normal to me too, but alas five weeks colds have become all too familiar for a long time). I do believe it was then I realised I was not only getting perkier, more energetic and inspired by the linseed oil supplement, it also helped my health when it came to fighting colds and infections.
I continued to surround myself with things of beauty and inspiration. Including good friends, good talks and good fika. I got a peace scarf, Easter came (and it is still my all time favourite holiday of the year) and went. Winter still lingered on.
Spring finally sprung and early April it was time for the first outdoor meal of the season. The littlest cat Ågot turned one. My love for nailpolish and circus nails continued. I opened a semi-regular pug hotel (and it was lovely to have a dog in the house again, albeit briefly).
I spotted a gorgeous yellow handbag in a window, I later bought it and it was such a grand companion the rest of the spring and all summer long. (Washable in machine too, so even if it was pretty dirty after all that wear it looked great after the wash.)
I ordered new MOO cards and embraced something I really do not enjoy, having my face on the cards. But it has actually worked really well and I can see the sense. I revamped the Pia K Stockholm website, bought a lovely bake book from one of my favourite cafes and when April turned into May I made some cakes which turned out really great.
I became a little more grown up and got me a book-keeper to handle parts of my Prosit finances. And attended a lovely Yelp event at a Day Spa, where I also won the photo contest.
Exciting things began to happen, meetings, collaborations and nudging at dreams. I felt more alive and back on track than I had in a long time.
The month held the wonderful annual cherry blossom trees in bloom, a great Walk & Talk followed by an uplifting, fun and inspirational talk by one of Sweden's most popular lecturers, Mia Törnblom. I invented the word cafe crawl (where we had long business meetings over coffee/cake/lunch walking from cafe to cafe. Highly recommended!).
Little loaf was buried in a final resting place, under a new lilacs tree in the garden.
Bird led lights were a wonderful addition to garden, it was time for a new camera, went to Åland, loathed new Flickr (and still very much do alas), lilacs in bloom, enjoyed a lot of green beauty and was invited to a lovely vegan Chinese lunch.
It was such a lovely lovely month. Meaningful meetings, collaborations, new people, rekindling with old friends. Life and world was a sunny place to be in, in many ways.
I got the fantastic Impi dress, which I spent many a wonderful summer day in. (I have every intention to do the same in 2014!). Pottery, actually finishing reading a book, the 5000th Instagram photo, thinking a lot about my shift of thinking, life attitude and living - being in a happy place part I, part II and part III. Strawberries galore and daring to compliment. A great Pet Shop Boys concert and suddenly a fabulous month had come to an end.
The month started with a meeting that made me think. A lot.
Bought a red lipstick, had a wonderful trip to Budapest where the vegetarian and vegan food was amazing, the drinks sweet, the weather meltingly hot, people friendly, dogs galore and serendipity ever present. The hedgehogs of 2013 arrived and the cats were mesmerized by their presence. Two pair of great shoes.
Held an Innocent event which was such a lovely experience. It left me full of ideas, lessons and impressions.
Spent a few grand days in Copenhagen, lady bug luck, great food and even greater raw food. Had a bee-keeper for a day experience, a lovely Yelp Elite event breakfast, networking galore, exciting ideas, more job, new assignments, more vegan food, more raw food. And hey there iPad.
Oh, the sadness and wisfulness of having to finally say goodbye to such an amazing summer...
Was a hectic month of meetings, networking, working, thoughts, ideas, life. Another treasured month. Blog turned eight. Launched Two Happy Muses. Spent some fantastic days in Gothenburg, met great people, enjoyed fab vegetarian and vegan food.
The lovely experience of Dill, the not so great, overpriced food which turned out to be a horrific PR-coup. It left a bad bad aftertaste.
iPad got a cover and I got to stay inspired with a brand new fabulous T-shirt.
Began on a seriously crappy note with iPhone being stolen at one of my favourite cafes, on October 1. Turned out to be one of many many life lessons learnt during 2013, about myself and others. And I wrote an article about it all (in Swedish). I thought a lot about life without a smartphone, read books and began knitting a sweater.
My first two TedX Sthlm experiences, warm up and main event. MyNewsday 2013. Great new tea. A great Yelp cinema event. Business speed dating/networking (which was awesome!). Happy birthday to me. New boots. A silly cat in a tree. I learnt that according to some I look a lot like my cats, like cat like owner. Heart. A bit of love at first sight.
Dry winter skin and a rescuer (that didn't work), zone therapy and wonderful afternoon tea. Really trying to eat in season.
The green winter we're having has really left me feeling tired and uninspired, thought about artificial sunlight and supplements. And loving my new vegan breakfast habits. Found a great raw lip balm, had a cup of amazing hot raspberry cocoa, a caturday meet cute, a lousy afternoon tea, the dishwasher broke, oldest cat Sigrid turned 11. Super happy about the MOO Christmas cards and such. Winter skin continued to be tired, got me a new recovery salve (that didn't work either alas...). Working. Networking. Meetings. Seminars. Began searching for the perfect red winter coat (still in vain).
Saw the prettiest bouquet of flowers and realised how much I would love if someone would treat me to that kind of flowers now and then.
The bobbaloos dream of travelling, while I realise I'm just where I should be in the here and now. And that is a truly lovely feeling to end an overall fantastic year with. Made vegan cakes, first snow fell, the great Nelson Mandela passed away.
Christmas fairs and their loot. Discovering the delight of Wagamama food (yes, the mouthwatering seaweed and carrot salad even get to be December's photo). Sporting a shapeless sweater and a perfect accessory. Knitting a supersized red scarf (and it's finished!) and an odd eared beanie, embracing failure at TedX Sthlm. Happy birthday, darling Prosit sisters!
Had a much needed pedicure, tried seaweed caviar, fed ducks and loved the Innocent bobble hat for two.
Dear 2013, it has been so amazing to know you, thank you so so very much for everything you brought and the life lessons you so generously shared.
Gorgeous photos, as always. Happy New Year, Pia!
for some odd reason the post was tripple published, this comment was left on one of the posts i deleted -
"Elephant's Child said...
What a rich and varied year. Thank you."
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