Every autumn/winter for these past eight or so years I've treated myself to a special headgear, a lovely piece to perk up the long dark season to come (yes, despite the plethora of my own knitting it seems like my headgear wardrobe calls for other pieces too...).
This year the gear was a super special thing. This cosy, sweet bobble hat stems from a collaboration between one of my favourite brands in the whole wide world Innocent drinks and fashion brand The North Circular, meet the supersized 'Big Knit' bobble hat!
Just as with all the tiny, adorable knitted hats they put on the Innocent smoothie bottles in England every autumn to raise money for a good cause, the profit from the sales of these human-sized hats goes to the same good cause (care for the elderly during harsh winter months).
Knitted to order, with love by grannies in the UK, you get a wonderful woolly, dip-dyed hat to keep you warm for many winter seasons to come.
Mine was apparently knitted by a Shirley in Devon whose aim in life is to grow old disgracefully (good aim, Shirley!). And yes, the wee bottle sized hat tagged along too. It was such a delight to open this package! Love all the attentions to details in combination with the handmadeness and lovely quality.
The only drawback is the fact that winter weather so far (touch wood) has been a "not called for woolly hats" so I haven't been able to use it as yet. But at the first sign of minus degrees I will. A most happy bobble hat wearer I then will be.
Great cause, and cute hats.
Looks like a fantastic hat. Love that it is going to a good cause. The tag is precious. (brings to mind the poem, `When I Grow Old I will Wear Purple`)
A very good cause; so lovely done; it must be quite fun to use colourful yarns and make something beautiful for people who appreciate it. Let's hope your winter is getting perfect to wear these lovely creations. Like you Pia, I appreciate "handmade".
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