Of course I was sad to hear about this great man's passing, but he had lived such a long life, accomplished so many great things most of us will never come close to accomplish, touched so many lives, inspired so many people all over the world, his forever rest was well-deserved.
Nelson Mandela was one of very few politicians and public figures I really admired. Such a sad few of us are able to show such immense insight, thoughfullness, kindness and compassion. Every day I'm amazed that so many turn a blind eye to what their daily deeds and choices causes in terms of harm and pain to others. That so few seem interested and willing to become a better earth being, to leave a reasonable and kind footprint, to cause as little harm as possible and to show kindness in life.
My visit to Robben Island remains one of the most powerful, heartbreaking, world turning experiences I've been through. The way the guide enthusiastically talked about how much Sweden had done in the struggle against apartheid is still one of my proudest moment as a swede.
- It was different times then, we had politicians with visions and passions, who fought good fights too. These days we have not, or at least they are far and few apart, and I am most often ashamed of our society and its politicians. Which I am certain isn't anything particulary Swedish, I believe all too many people are jaded and ashamed of how "our" politicians act and how the world look today. -
During those hours the human madness and cruelty was so near, tangible and visible. And yet, obviously there is hope and ways to overcome things seemingly impossible, change for the better is always possible. If we dare to speak up against injustice, dare to lead by example, dare to lead the way for a better, more compassionate future.
Thank you for being who you were, Nelson Mandela,
may your spirit and inspiration live on and flourish ~
Vale Nelson.
And I hope that many of us follow his lead.
Whatever your colour or background this man touched so many lives and showed the world what could be achieved with love and vision rather than hate and revenge. He's just about the only politician who was loved and admired during life and will be remembered with a sense of great loss and enormous thanks in death.
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