This is how an unflattering shaped sweater becomes wearable. The perfect accessory is of course a cat. Granted a strangely reluctant model - which got me in a fit of nearly-pee-in-my-pants-laughter when I tried to get her to calm down and pose. Like mother like daughter - but hey, we kind of made it.
Unfortunately the perfect accessory is a can't-bring-everywhere-all-the-time kind of accessory so the overall wearability of said sweater is questionable. Still thinking of turning it into a cardigan. Cardigans can be cool and wearable even if shapeless, sweaters are not, unless you're flat-chested.
I am, however, very pleased that I finished the project within a very reasonable time. Perhaps I will continue and make something wearable (that is not a scarf, shawl, hat, cap, socks, mittens and such) some day soon. Something less shapeless, with more oomf.
Behold the face of misery, named Zigne. Aka the cat with the perfect when-will-this-be-over-look. I'm sorry, li'l darlin', it will never really be over since living in this residence it is one of your tasks to perform on a regular basis, the posing and being the perfect photo prop. But I'm sure you would agree, by comparison, that in other aspects it is in fact an awesome residence to be a cat in.
Love, love, love the face of misery. Something which our cats do all too often. With very little justification.
A cat is a must-have accessory! A cat will bring style and warmth to every outfit :D
I love her po-face look. It reminds me of a friend who worked as a designer for IKEA and who used her gorgeous British Blue cat for one of the catalogue shoots. Miss Lille was most unimpressed and you can see her sitting in the window of the photo, looking as though she's plotting your immediate demise. I laughed every time I looked at that living room in the catalogue.
Needless to say, it was a very short modelling career...
Oh, I love your furry accessory :)
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