Well, this is what I call proper Swedish winter, finally! Only five days later and Stockholm is covered in a thick, fluffy layer of snow. It may be impractical of sorts, but it's not too cold and as long as the streets aren't nasty and icy I love all the snow and the winter wonderlandish look of it all. The weather report says rain soon, but until then, gorgeousness it is -

Behold a hardly visible snowman city family (pre covered in single malt whisky aka dog pee).

Nearly visible on the left corner, one of my favourite Stockholm cafes.

You can't help but feeling a bit sorry for the poor chaps who has to endure the weather all year around - remember this poor guy?

Whilst the small sized woollies du jour were mesmerized by all the white stuff, they were also really happy to get inside and have a pastry. Like small sized woollies always are.

Så fint de små wollisarna matchade snön med sina färger =)
It looks beautiful! :D
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