Ever since my starry-eyed childhood dream was to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations -
I guess that's out of the question now. And I'm honestly pretty sure I don't miss that particular dream that got away. I may have a certain skill for diplomacy and negotiation but I really can't stand people who are ignorant (by their own choosing) or stupid. Self-obsessed people who obviously only care about their own agenda and can't see the big picture, uncaring, evil, power hungry, greedy, lacking compassion, not taking responsability for their own actions (or non-actions)... oh the list is long when it comes to human flaws I can't stand. And working in that arena would most certainly mean dealing with a vast amount of just such persons.
I'm more than tired of having had dealt with more than a fair share of the lesser flattering human features in my previous life. Lawyer life. I don't want to go back there. And if I feel that about only a small fraction of human stupidity (but still important and with great ramifications for those persons involved of course) I'm certain high politics so isn't for me. However fascinating. And important.
- I've had a fondness for the organisation. With all its flaws - the veto power still being one, if not THE, major one - the idea and the people doing good deeds for others, for the world truly speaks to my hope (in vain...) for a better world. For justice, equality, peace and every other good human quality the opposite of the above mentioned ones.
It may not be high politics, but every, however seemingly small, good deed counts. Give a little extra thought to how you act towards fellow beings. Today is a fine day to start making an effort, do give someone a silver lining to this United Nations Day, October 24.
Have a lovely day all!
Hello Pia
Oh I had no idea it was UN day today! Thank you for this. Yes, there are many flaws in humanity, but also so many wonderful talents and gifts and good qualities to celebrate, aren't there?
Have a happy day,
Denise x
Jamen alltså vetorätten är ju helt galen! Och du, jag blev så besviken när det gick upp för mig hur så många inom FN och hela biståndsvärlden är ute efter personliga karriärer och förmåner utan dess like snarare än att förbättra för utsatta människor världen över.
Ibland behöver man inte heller tänka sig ända till andra sidan jordklotet utan helt enkelt bara till grannen, arbetskamraterna, den första personen du möter när du lämnat hemmet för dagen m fl.
(missade fö hertigparet som tydligen var på besök här i Gbg då vi hade tävlingar hela helgen)
I would say people like Pia would make a splendid Secretary General for the UN; much better then the uncaring, up themselves, self serving, bunch of kow towing public servants. Do you get the idea that I have no respect at all for this organisation?
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