Spotted this rather fabulous pair of sandals in the Camper shop window in Copenhagen - but with age comes at least a bit of wisdom and in my case, one of those wisdoms is the fact that I do not buy a pair of shoes I know will not be comfortable to walk in for miles and miles ie they are ergonomically crap. Still I can admire the design. But without the covet to buy.
Overall I find myself more and more rarely in the covet to buy-mood. Which is rather liberating. Shopping and and consumerism is quite tiresome, for all sorts of reasons. Though of course, I would blatantly lie if I said that I do not covet to buy another pair of shoes when there's something special to celebrate. But good shoes make for happy feet, body and mind, so I think it's kind of alright to have that covet still. We all have weaknesses. Great shoes are one of mine. And since I walk a lot they are essential - I know some might argue it's not essential with *that* many shoes, but I'm not one of those. Every colour, model, style, season and mood need their special bit of perfect footgear. Obviously.
To walk in the right direction not only calls for the perfect choice of shoes, it calls for all sorts of choices. Some easier than others. Some pretty darn uncomfortable - as opposed to the shoes - but oh so eye-opening. And, as usual, it's the uncomfortable things we have to do that makes us grow. Which these days have become sort of a mantra for me. Because with Prosit I have no choice, I have to pursue the uncomfortable stuff all the time and - apart from the odd phoney matter still... - pretty much every day I find they are less and less uncomfortable. They just are. And they have to be done and faced. And now and then I can actually smile, giggle and laugh about them. I'm still amazed at how liberating it is to face all this uncomfortableness.
Of course, smiling, giggling and laughing is best done in great shoes. Plus, great shoes, the notion that at the end of a mission and a certain amount of achievements a pair of new shoes await, is rather an excellent little extra incentive to get those uncomfortable things done. Ah yes, shoes are great in so so many ways.
What's your incentive to get those uncomfortable but necessary things done?
1 comment:
There are a number of things that I don't want to do - but I want to have them done. Which may not be clear - for example I never want to go to the dentist, but I do want to have had my teeth checked. So I go. A sense of achievement is one of my driving forces.
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