This time a year ago I had just begun my hard work on recovering from the "sweet rejection".
So much has happened since. High and low water marks. But nothing quite as low as that on a professional level. Something to be grateful about.
How about June this year then? I can safely say it hasn't been nearly as an exciting as last year's (because I was so certain and giddy all month that that particular dream goal was finally going to be reached). And the weather this June has been rather dismal.
But it's been a pre-holiday month -
because basically Sweden closes down from work between Midsummer - mid August. It's a weather- summer-holiday- and this-is-how-it-has-always-been-thing here. For us small business owners this is neither ideal nor true, most often than not (if we work with Swedish clients) we're forced to close down during summers since it's just not possible to book meetings and get new jobs in the summer time. As I don't work with Swedish clients in such a regular way, at this time, I don't much care. But I know it's an issue for many small businesses who rely on that. And it is a rather weird out-dated tradition I think. -
in which I've managed to do good lunches, met interesting people, had fun, been inspired and hopefully there'll be good follow up of at least some of those inspiring meetings come after-summer time.
And there was rekindling with Berlin. Which was lovely. But you know what, since we did make the major summer trip so early in the season it's all a bit anti-climactic right now. And wistful. And it isn't even August, the month of melancholy yet. There is so much summer left. What to do, oh what to do? Which of course is a class A luxuary problem. Still, hello wistfulness. And hello July.
May you brings lots of exciting sunny fun, lovely surprises, joy and laughter as well as calm, rainy days perfect for reading and lots of cups of tea.
And thank you for being a friendly month, June, it was real nice to meet you.
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