I plan to:
~ have a few brainstorming sessions which will include fika, lunch etc (because they're so much nicer that way) with people that inspires me
~ deal with not so good news I got last week, regarding something rather essential about my new life. Ah, the silly little pope behaviour of administrative authorities never fails. But this really has to be fixed. Asap. And there are no options other than it being fixed. Gahness galore.
~ continuing with the office revamping, not much got done last week admittedly, not much at all. Including filling some more bags for charity.
~ finish a fourth sock, that'll make it two pairs. Plus doing some embroidery on a couple of those. Not my forte, so how that'll turn out remains to be seen.
~ wear some more new socks - I actually did wear not two, but three new pairs last week. Yayness!
~ bake more
~ make raw (vegan) icecream
~ have a lovely hairdresser appointment with much needed sprucing of hair
~ being less annoyed with WordPress *I know I can do it, I know I can do it, I know I can do it...*
~ add to that some of the things I never did get around to last week
~ look forward to more days without snow
~ and of course, it would be lovely to hear more about your views on friendship
That sounds reasonably doable, right?
That sounds a very optimistic agenda to me. When I am making lists I always ensure that at least one item on it is easy and that I can cross it off. Then I feel I am achieving something and am inspired to continue.
I have a dear friend - we have been friends for over thirty years now. We have seen both good times and bad for each other and together. She lives in another city and I rarely see her now though we talk often. And on the occasions we do see each other I wish her gone as our energy levels of soooooo different. And still I love her, I just can't spend much time with her.
Good heavens, you're ambitious! Good luck with your "to do" list, but be kind to your Self if you don't get absolutely everything accomplished. :-)
I can relate to the comment by The Elephant's Child re: the dear friend. My oldest (longest) friend (20-odd years) lives in another province and I've not seen her since 1998, I think. A very long time. We email regularly and we've been supportive of the cr*p that life has dealt out to us. But as much as I love her, I'm not sure I could spend a great deal of time with her. I've always had a gut feeling our friendship would not have lasted so long if we lived close by. Mind you, most of us change and grow as we age, so perhaps I'm not being fair.
Then I have another friend who lives in Halifax, NS -- we worked together for a few years, at Dalhousie University. He's still there. We rarely even email, but when we do, it's like picking up right where we left off. I took him to dinner when I was in Halifax in September and it was FABULOUS! I thought perhaps we'd not have much to talk about, but nope, it was the same, just picking up again. And he remembers ever so much more about those 3 work years than I do. LOL.
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