Met this terribly friendly li'l chap when we stocked up on organic food items at Saltå Kvarn today. He made my day. Like cats and meet cute tend to do.
Excitement, blurriness and shaking of hands and paws (well more like me carefully trying to remove his needlesharp claws from legs and tights without harming either).
Lotsa cuddles and sweet kitty kisses too, before he had to return to his awfully impawtant tasks of the day.
Oh yes. I stop and talk to cats I meet along the way - which causes my cats intense suspicion when I get home again. 'Who have you been talking to' sniff, sniff 'Why?' sniff 'you belong to us' headbutt and purr.
I like to chat to the friendly neighbourhood cats too. They make me smile as they try and entice you to talk to them and stop and play.
Julie and Poppy Q
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