This is not the front paw, this is the hind paw of one incredibly tiresome cat that has been removed from the kitchen table about a gazillion times. I may be persistent in matters that really matter, but today I was overpersistened by a purrsome cat. Beware of cat paws in your fika is a new warning sign in this residence, in case anyone fastidious with cat hair in food will come to visit. Which most probably will not happen until hell freezes over of course.

It is the times of lilacs. This stunning hedge was seen in Stockholm the other day. The colour is absolutely amazing. Somewhere between purple and pink. I don't think I've ever seen lilacs like this, superb. Nature is amazing.

This pretty way of serving water in jugs I spotted at a favourite cafe in Gothenburg last week. Similar to the strawberry water, but more pleasingly creative and artistic me thinks. Simple yet details that makes a lasting and sweet impression.

It has been known that books can be bought solely because of their mesmerizing covers, the same goes for teas apparently. Found this box on Åland the other week, it wasn't the name "Emotional Detox" that made me get it, promise, but the delightful design of the package. The tea itself is organic "ayurvedic herb and spice infusion with sweet hibiscus and mint" for a harmonious life. Not really my cup of tea (pun intended) flavourwise, but not too bad tasting.
And yes, there is always comfort in tea. And cats. And lilacs. And books. And what would we do without drinkable water?
1 comment:
There is mandatory cat hair on (and in) everything in this house too. And if only I could knit I could probably knit another cat - or two.
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