Simply irresistable box of tea, yes it came home with me. Sadly not my cup of tea tastewise, but yes I adore the design and the name so to be honest I'm glad I got it anyway. To surround oneself with pretty and inspirational things is important. Even if it would have been perfect if the tea was as tasty as the box it came in of course.
When it comes to true love my standards are higher than a pretty package. The content of package is very important, values, ethics, compassion, humour, intelligence, curiousity, fantasy, associative ability and kindness are some ingredients I believe is essential in said package. In any human package really, friend or lover.
This quote from Frida Kahlo on love give food for thoughts;
"Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic."
It would indeed be wonderful if everyone could find love in that form, wouldn't you agree? The world needs more magic. And more love.
1 comment:
And more laughter.
Magic, love and laughter are very good building blocks.
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