This certainly is the prettiest of seasons, countless shades of green, a continous flow of new flowers, sweet scents and fresh starts. And as far as my office goes, from cowslips to lilies of the valley. From April to May.
What I bring with me from, yet another, lovely month is this -
:: that saying yes is most often the best thing to do. That by accepting an invitation on a rather short notice you're open to really, really, really good and unexpected things to happen.
:: there really IS such a thing as serendipity. And that makes my heart sing.
:: the generosity of some people can be really mindblowing. Truly. And when you meet such people they make you think about how important a feature that is, how inspiring and what can you do to pay it forward and pay it back.
:: how blessed I am to have met so many good people over the years, especially these past few years. And quite a few of them via Twitter.
:: I love Twitter. Such a great social channel on so many different levels. For so many purposes.
:: LinkedIn isn't half bad either.
:: that writing about states of confusion can be truly liberating and from that shift in thinking very good things can appear.
:: that you really should tell people about your dreams and what you want, it may feel silly, you may feel exposed and open to ridicule. But from being passionate and open you can get fantastic support and kindness when you least expect it.
And as always, the importance of beauty and inspiration. Unpretentious recycling and innocent sweetness in a bottle or two. Heart.

What things do you bring with you from beautiful May?
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