So much in life can be appreciated in details, like I've mentioned a few times before and probably never will stop returning to again and again...
Like the amazing pink colour of the morning smoothie (vanilla yoghurt, banana, kiwi, raspberries and berries from the forrest).
Or the choice of tender pansies in wonderful colours on a grave of a loved one. The picture just don't do them justice. I was in awe, both by that stunning colour and the careful consideration I'm sure was behind that choice...
Or the sun and daylight affecting the treebranches with tender green leaves hence creating a fantastic effect against the deep blue sky.
Or a beautiful facade on a backstreet in the middle of the city.
...or some lovely bicycle saddles that just scream "buy me! buy me! buy ME!"
Perhaps a part of a iron rose lettice on a park bench, so sweet!
The discovery that there are actually large statues guarding on top of one of the Kungstornen (The King's Towers) in the middle of the city - I had no idea, why haven't I seen those before? And even if they're larger than a mere detail irl, they sure are tiny details in a pic.
That handmade button from Skye on the cutest Harris tweed handbag size zero - a handbag that really is difficult to actually use but that fills me with sheer joy everytime I look at it.
A bolt on a door - who knows what secrets and treasures that might hide behind such a beautiful carved gateway and its bolt?
I suppose that list of wonderful, intricate details can go on and on and on, if you just open your eyes to them. What about your favourite details, where might one find them? And is there any particular story behind them? Feel free to share!
Beautiful photos as usual! keep them coming! I love all the close ups!
Thanks, holler! Oh yes, my fascination for details will surely make the photos coming:)
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