Helped my mother chose new glasses today and well, stepping inside that optician heaven of thousands of affordable, funky glasses I obviously had to try some on too.
Yes, I have been so very pleased with my transformer goggles, and have gotten a disproportionate amount of nice compliments about my cool spectacles, that I would lie if I said I hadn't contemplated getting another couple of such special ones.
Yes, they have been great, but for one annoying fact. They're too large to fit under my sun covers - which really is a great great idea, why didn't anyone come up with such earlier? I can't stand clip-ons, but these easily slip over your usual glasses, they have made my sunny days so much easier when I've decided to wear more glasses than contacts -
thus I can't wear them on sunny days. My old prescription sunglasses are too weak a strength and give me a headache, so either I need a new pair of them or I just have to put up with the fact that I can only wear my transformer goggles on cloudy days or in evenings. Which seems a pity somehow...
Anyway. Today I tried on this and that and then some just for fun. But of course I fell head over eyes for some... The littlest bobbaloos that forms a trio were excitingly adamant I'd go for the cow-pattern ones - me I'm thinking they were too much of the Cruella-de-Ville-look, although granted I'd be a Pia-de-Good-will of course - but I have my eyes rather firmly set on a pair of quirky beige/white dotty ones (seriously sweet they were). And possible some more. When my tax-refund comes I'm thinking there will be another visit to the optician heaven of thousandish quirky possibilities.
Until then, we all dream a little dream of glasses ~
I have the same problem... Love my funky cat-eye glasses, but when I'm not wearing contacts, the sun is awful (and I live in Southern California, mind you). So! After years of this, I finally found cheap prescription glasses online and I had them filled with the darkest lenses and my own prescription. Honestly, I paid less than $30 USD, with a sale and a first time discount. I'm SO happy now. Not too bad taking two pairs of glasses wherever I go. Yeah, I could spend $300 on self darkening lenses, but they aren't really dark enough (as my husband found out rather quickly)...
Cool specs!
I have the same issue with the sun, but I can't wear contacts due to allergies. I ended up buying a prescription pair of sunnies but your covers sound like a great idea!
Har du månne varit på Smart eyes? De har kanske inte de coolaste roligaste bågarna, men priset och faktiskt även servicen gör det sååå värt tycker jag, som ändå är den som alltid tidigare köpte märkesbågar på Bågar och glas och grät bittert när jag var tvungen att behöva köpa billighetsglajjor.
På Smarteyes får man allt det där extra (tunna glas, antireflex osv) inkluderat. På andra billighetsställen är det alltid (så vitt jag varit med om) extra, och då landar man alltid på svindyrt om man nu behöver just tunna glas om man inte vill ha flaskbottnar.
Jag vet att jag låter sponsrad, men det är jag tyvärr inte.
julianna, not a fan of those darkening lenses, they have a tendency to not be properly dark when needed as well as too dark indoors i think. but your cat-eye glasses sounds awesome and wow, what a great price for prescription sunglasses!
thanks, lost star!
haha, pärlbesatt, det är ju till smarteyes jag går sedan ett par år! suveränt utbud och oemotståndliga priser, modeller och kvalitet (som definitivt inte är sämre än de glasögon jag köpt hos löjligt dyra optiker). och trevligt bemötande. plus på allt:)
Great minds think alike, helt enkelt. Vilket skulle bevisas. :)
Jag funderar på ett par slipade solglasögon nu. En kompis sa att jag var galen som läser i solsken. Jag har aldrig tänkt på saken så, men kanske det vore bra med solglas. Byta och så orkar jag dock inte, så kombo-variant verkar vettigt. Ska gå dit och fnula.
Vad kul att vi gick till samma. :) Mest gillar jag optikern med hövolmen, på Kungsgatan. Hon är så föredömligt pedagogisk. :)
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