I've bought the first tulips of 2014. Seems terribly early in the season for that. They were irresistable, the pale salmon pink/peach colour is amazing. Soft, creamy and somehow silky to look at. They were also rather overpriced. Not something I'd do regularly. But it was a treat to get them as an office windowsill inspiration. New (work) year and all.
Unfortunately they didn't exactly thrive upon arrival home. Three days later they do look very tired and uninspired poor things. They probably miss the sun too. Or it actually is too early in the season for them to grow naturally and healthy...
Someone said tulips will be hard to find this season. And that they will indeed be more expensive. As a part in what climate changes do. If that is true it is indeed heartbreaking. All those sad little steps and signs heading in the wrong direction. What we people have done to this planet...
All the more reason to do good deeds and try and be a better being as long as we have a planet to live on. To try and make a positive change, for others and for ourselves.
Thus the green notebook will soon be filled with great things. In fact they will be super exceptional splendid phenomenal genius matters. Not only because the book clearly states so. But also because it will be the start of one of many great projects planned for this year.
It really is hard to resist the colors of fresh flowers/bulbs. Everything seems so dreary in the winter time, when there is not a lot growing. In February, here, they bring out a plant called a Primula, they are bright and multi-colored, and they are very hard to resist. Of course they are not long lasting, in the house. They do not like our winter furnace heat. They like it cooler, yet it is too cold for them to be outside. If you can keep them alive, they can be planted outside in the Spring. As they are perennials, they do come back, year after year!
I love bulbs. And grow them in quantity. Thank you for the reminder that tulips (and primulas) will come again. As we melt in the heat, it is a comforting memory.
I'm always a little bemused by Tulpanens Dag which is in mid January if I remember right. They tout it as a smygstart for spring, but it hardly seems the weather for it and while the tulips proudly bear the label for being grown in Sweden, you know that it must have been a forced growth, under lights and heating in a glasshouse, which is why they wilt so rapidly.
But I do love tulips, especially lovely golden or peach coloured ones. I've planted quite a few bulbs in my garden, so I hope that in May I'll have lots of pretty tulips to enjoy.
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