Look, it's a bobbaloo book!
A Swedish publisher contacted Kit - the real woman behind the fabulastic bobbaloos, I'm only the queen of the Scandinavian bobbaloo settlement, they originally all stem from Minnesota - about the cover photo for the Swedish edition of "Historias de cronopios y de famas" (Stories about cronopios and famas, might be a translation I suppose) by Julio Cortázar. She asked me if it was a publisher with a good reputation - I couldn't say since I'd never heard of them, but their website and the books they published looked fair.
Obviously they got along well and she said yes to contributing with a cover photo. I think it's fabulous! The funny thing though, is that people who know me and see the book in bookstores all go "whaaat, is it a Pia photo cover?!?!?". But no, it is not. Still awesome and fun, that them bobs have another - yes, of course they have my very own book from cover to content too - book they adorn. It might in fact be the beginning of world domination...
Admittedly I'd never heard of Julio Cortázar before (have you?). I got the book from a friend last week and I've only begun reading it. To be honest I'm really not sure it's my cup of tea... Hopefully I was just too tired when I began reading. Still, I'm very happy to have the book. And that Kit got this awesome assignment.
The bobs think it's a fabulous cover too, but they're not sure they're really like those cronopios and famas, that they are meant to be images of. And no, they don't appreciated being called "filtfigurer" (felt figures) when they are in fact bobbaloos.
I love the idea of bobbaloo world domination. They would be better than many of our current leaders. And more fun.
I don't think Historia de Cronopios y de Famas is the easiest book to read of Cortazar, but -if you're interested- you can read his early short stories which are fab. His style of writing is called "realismo mágico" (magical realism) and he was one of the referents of this style in Latin America.
It's a lovely idea to represent Famas and Cronopios with Bobbaloos!
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