Wednesday, July 14, 2010

knut and tea

knut and tea

Two things that brings joy when it is ah, just too hot for more inspired writing.
Knut, my fellow in red.
A cuppa Yorkshire tea with milk never fails.

More of our lovely (but alas hot, hot) day trip to Åland yesterday, when it feels doable to write again.


Kea said...

Oh, my, I had a look at Knut's fangs--very impressive! :-)

I used to drink tea when I was younger, in my 20s, but not so much anymore. A cup of herbal tea of some sort once in a while, to soothe when I need it.

On a hot day I just want ice water! Or a very cold beer.

I'm looking forward to reading about your day-trip!

Anonymous said...

lol he looks serious!! have you tried gynostemma tea it's a great way of really relaxing :)
maybe Knut wants some catmint tea??

pärlbesatt said...

Det har inte ett skvatt med nåt av det du skriver om att göra, utom möjligtvis vad man kan göra när det är hett, men jag ville säga att jag är trollbunden av Arne Dahl. Så du vet. :)

P.K said...

Knut is very handsome. Is that his cup of tea?

Anonymous said...

this is an awesome photo.

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